Work With Us


All of our events require traders, be that food, coffee/drinks or retail. We keep the ratio of traders to expected audience size really reasonable, and do not double up on traders selling the same items.

Trader Applications


Got something new or interesting that the public will love? We'd love to know too! We've previously had things such as climbing walls and softplay to funfair rides and games tents.

Activity Applications


We're always on the hunt for more talent for our events, whether that is a fire or circus performer, or up and coming musicians for our music events.

Performer Applications


We've previously had sponsorship from large nationwide brewerys and smaller local companies like estate agents. We're very flexible with our sponsorship and are more than happy to work with you in securing a deal that is beneficial for both parties.

Register sponsorship interest

Your experience

We do all we reasonabily can to assist you beforehand and on site to make your experience with us a positive one. We want our traders to be asking to return year-on-year, and be pleased with their returns.


All events will have ample set up time beforehand and afterwards to clear away. Details will be provided to you on application as each event varies.


We take the safety of all at our events as the highest priority. All events are covered by CCTV with around the clock SIA Security on site from day one. All attendees will undergo a bag check, along with any other security precausions that are deemed necessary. We also have third party trained stewards, medical and fire service staff are on site during event days.